Friday, April 18, 2014


I didn't manage to cycle to work for the rest of the week because I think that ride tired me out. I've been going to bed really early each night since.

And today I had a really chronic headache to the point where I have been in bed for most of the day, surfacing around 5pm!!

As annoying as it is, I am coming to the realisation that the chemo is affecting me in ways I wasn't prepared for. Not sure what I was prepared for. I have always been such an active person and it is very frustrating to not be able to carry on with my normal life. I wasn't able to go to a friend's birthday picnic today. Instead I am being laid up in bed like a sick person. Because unfortunately I am a sick person. Boohoo.

I am okay really. Please don't feel too sorry for me. I am just complaining. I still have lots of good things going on in my life. I love the fact that when I am sick I have my lovely little flat to recover in. Everything is on the same floor, which is very important when moving hurts your head so you need the bathroom or kitchen to be as close as possible. And it is lovely and quiet. No offence to where I was before, but there are no small children having tantrums or crying in the night. For those who don't know, I was living in my parents' house before with my brother's young family. And my parents are nearby to help me if I need them. And you my lovely friends are just gorgeous in your messages, gifts and prayers. I really feel your love.

And today is Good Friday, when Jesus was crucified on the cross for your and my sins. I am deeply grateful for this.

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