Thursday, April 3, 2014

2nd chemo reaction

The picc line is much quicker and better to just get on with the whole chemo procedure rather needing the time to find a good vein. I was just hooked up to the syringes today and in the drugs went.

I became tired quicker this time round. By mid afternoon. Last time I didn't get tired till day 3 after the chemo session. And I vomited up my dinner. Not pleasant. I took my anti-sickness pills afterwards and waited half an hour before trying to eat again. It's stayed down and I'm ok now. Mum is looking after me very well. Am off to bed.


  1. hey yan. press on my friend. it may feel mundane updating this site, but i really appreciate knowing how your days are going. bless you, and i wish we could come over and give you a massive hug!

    1. Oh no it's ok, I like updating this blog. I like knowing you guys my friends are standing with me and therefore wanting to know what is going on. It is a privilege to update this. Plus I have an app on my phone and iPad which makes it easy. Thank you for the virtual hug!
