Friday, April 4, 2014

Better today

Today was a better day. In the main I was fine. Euna and the boys came over in the afternoon and I took Nuri to the park opposite my flat and browsed in some charity shops. I bought him a bag of cars which I will keep at my flat for when he comes over. My nephews are very gorgeous. Hajin is 7 weeks old now and getting big. Nuri is 2.5 years old and talking a lot. 

I had dinner with my family and I got tired after and now I am just back at my flat chilling out. No throwing up today. Hooray!


  1. It's great that the kids can come round and distract you. They look so gorgeous from the photos you put on Facebook. I bet you love playing with them and cuddling them. How are Euna and Kalun? Are they finding it tiring having 2? Thinking of you a lot and I hope that you aren't feeling sick now.

    1. They are finding it tiring with 2, especially as Hajin feeds a lot. But they are adjusting. And they are so lovely to have around and to be a focus. Kids really do give you a sense of new life. I do love them so much.
