Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Nick's Birthday

Today is my brother's birthday. My gorgeous brother Nick passed away 2.5 years ago of a massive brain aneurysm that had no warning. Whilst time has allowed my family and I to accept his passing, special occasions like birthdays, Christmas and the date he passed away are still difficult.

And it is so easy to remember him with sadness, but I don't want to remember him like that. My brother was a blessing to me. We often fought because we were very different people, but we were committed to loving each other and that is what I most appreciate about Nick. He was very committed to me because I was his sister, and though it would frustrate him that we argued, we both also got a lot of joy and pleasure from the times when we did get along. Nick was a very independent person, always carving out his own path. He was strong and fragile that way.

Nick - I remember you today as my gorgeous brother and essential part of our family. I know you are with God now and I give thanks for this. We will always be a three, you, Kalun and I. Nothing will ever change that. I look forward to the day when I will see you again. I will love you always. Your sis.


  1. Nick must be so proud of you Yan:) Add oil!!

  2. I think of him often. Usually when I'm not expecting it. X
