Wednesday, July 9, 2014


I woke up today hoping that the swelling would have gone down a little, but alas no. I think it even looks a little worse. I look like I've been beaten up. I hope the antibiotics kick in soon. 


  1. Looks a bit grim, Yan, hope it's not as painful as it looks? Hope it clears up very soon, you really don't need this on top of all the other c***p. Shame about the bike too, lots of scumbags around...when you feel a bit better and fancy looking at another bike, go and see Harry at 'Bristol Dropouts' in Stokes Croft...lots of cool bikes even for little 'uns...I'll tell him to give you a good deal!
    Chin up girl, you'll get there...
    Lots of love,


    1. John, it's as painful as it looks. The eye bags gently throb all the time and constantly water and because I am always wiping them, the skin around the eyes become very dry and tight. It's a nightmare. I can't do anything substantial because we need our eyes for most things. So I am spending my days in my flat listening to audiobooks and sleeping. Boring but necessary. Is Harry your son? I will definitely go down there when I am better. I feel out a loss without my bike. It was my little vehicle. Thanks John!
