Monday, July 21, 2014

Doing good

My eyes have been steadily improving with the new antibiotics. They are still slightly puffy, but no longer painful. This is what I look like now:

I have a check up eye appointment on Weds and my lumpectomy is on Friday! I feel alright about it. I am not scared. I just want to get it over and done with.

Also I am going on sick leave from Friday until the rest of the year. I blurted out in a leaders' meeting about a month ago that it didn't work with me being regularly absent from work. That it was probably better if I stepped away so that the charity could employ someone to consistently work at bringing in the income. This was agreed. I am actually pleased because I am tired on more than one level. It'll be good for me to step away and not have such a big responsibility whilst I go through the rest of my treatment. It'll be good to have the mental space to recover too. But I don't want to do nothing either so I am lining up a few courses, and I want to set a few goals for myself. Like getting my fitness back up and cooking a few new recipes. It's going to be weird to not be working for 5 months. Though I suppose I will be ill for most of it. After my op, I will also be going through radiotherapy 4-6 weeks afterwards for 5 weeks every day. I am told to expect tiredness. Again.


  1. Yan - you are amazing!! I think the fact that you've carried on working for so long is incredible and now, even when you've realised that the best thing for you and for your employers is for you to have some time off, you are making plans to stay active and achieve goals. Not many other people would look at time off whilst they are treated for cancer in this positive way. You are amazing! You also look great - I'm so pleased your eyes are improving. I'll be thinking of you on Friday. Lots of love Tish x

  2. Hello Tish! Thank you for the encouragement! I don't like being bored so I am always active all the time. I sometimes think there is something wrong with me that I can't be still. I just like to use my time well. And what a gift to be given. Paid time off. There is no pressure to earn money, which means that I can do things I enjoy. I might come out of it with new skills or hobbies! Though I try to keep reminding myself to not commit to too much as I am still going through treatment. MUST remember that. Thank you for thinking of me and for being a good friend. X
