Sunday, March 2, 2014

Recovering well

I am doing well and recovering very quickly. The pain in my side where they operated seem to be fading which is great. I still can't put my right arm above my head so it means I can only wear tops that fasten up at the front for the time being. The swelling of my ovaries has gone down and the effects from that surgery have gone. I feel well enough to go back to work tomorrow.

A few days may pass before I update again as I am now awaiting my date to start chemotherapy which should be next week. But I will update as soon as I know. 

Thank you to the lovely friends who have sent me flowers. Every window sill has a vase of flowers which brightens up the place and reminds me of your care for me. Thank you!


  1. From my Mom: "There is a Facebook group called "it ain't chemo warriors" which is pretty good"
    So glad to hear that the egg recovery went well and that you are recovering from both procedures so well and so quickly. I have been praying for you all week and asking others to pray as well. Much love, continuing from me to you.

  2. Glad to hear that your treatment is going well. Yay God! I will continue to pray for you. xo
