Wednesday, March 12, 2014

First chemo session today

First chemo session today at 12:30pm, it should only last 1.5 hours. Mum is going to come with me. The medical info they have given me has let me know that I will most likely lose all of my hair within the next 6 weeks. I have decided not to have a wig made and just wear hats and head scarves in the meantime. It'll be a new look! So for documentary purposes, this is what I look like now:

Also I had to go in for another biopsy on Monday on my other breast(!) as the doctor saw other little things there. She is quite sure they are benign but just wanted to make sure. She also gave me the results of my MRI and it shows that my cancerous lump is is 29mm deep and it is central to my right breast and though it's not that big, it's big in relation to me because I am a small lady! This is what we are trying to reduce with the chemo.

As I begin my treatment I am again overwhelmed at how fortunate I am to be surrounded by wonderful supportive friends and family as well as good practical things like a good job and a cosy flat to just be able to focus on getting better. My family have been wonderful. Mum has been busily cooking meals for me, my freezer is now full with food stuffs that I don't know what to do with! She has also been making carrot juice for me to drink every day. Apparently this is high in vitamin C. Dad has been sourcing the practical needs of my flat, buying me a TV, microwave, kettle, saucepans and other bits and pieces that you need to live in a place. I am also so grateful for my work. Ever since my news I have definitely done less hours every week than my contracted hours due to going to appointments and surgeries, and they are so supportive about it all. My pastorate and home group have started a prayer time to pray for me every week. When I heard about this I nearly cried! And then many of you my lovely friends have let me know that you are thinking about me by sending me flowers, cards, gifts and messages. I know that I am going to be ok because you guys love me and because I know that I am in the palm of God's hand and that He is directing everything and surrounding me with His love and care. Bring on the chemo!


  1. If your appointment started on time, you should be having your chemo right now. I'm thinking of you and hoping that it is going smoothly and that you have lovely nursing staff looking after you and that you are not feeling weird and yucky and that your Mum is smiling at you and making you feel better. Love you lots Yan. xxxx

  2. Thanks Tish! It went well and my nurse was lovely and it was nice to have mum there. And relatively quick. I am about to write another post about it. Wish I could hug you for keeping me in your thoughts and sending your love! My love to Laurence and the kids. Enjoy all that sunshine for me!
