Thursday, May 22, 2014

Turning a corner

I think I am getting better. Last night as I was getting ready for bed I started to feel pain around my middle again but it wasn't as bad as before so I applied a hot water bottle onto it. It was a couple of hours till I was able to fall asleep. But really not as bad as the other nights when I was just lying in bed in pain for hours. I've slept through most of the night. Progress!

I've woken up this morning a little more refreshed and normal. I am going to take it easy. I took three short walks yesterday around where I live and I think they help with my physical wellbeing but also to see other things and to know that there is a world beyond my flat! It helps to try and get out of an ill mindset. I am going to try and get walks into my day. 

I hope I am turning a corner!


  1. hi yan! just wanted to say hi and let you know that i'm praying for you from my desk right now :) your daily updates makes me feel like i know you so much more than when you were in HK! bless u sista!

    1. Hi Cliff! Thank you so much for keeping up to date. Writing a blog is so intimate because it is just you and some words and there is something about it that invites confession and honesty. It means a lot to me that you are with me as I go through my journey.
