Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Good news!

It was my birthday yesterday and I had to go in for an important leaders' meeting in the morning but then I went for a birthday lunch of Moraccan lamb with my parents and brother. 

Then I went to see my breast care doctor. He gave me the best birthday present ever. He told me that by his assessment, the chemo has shrunk 40% of the cancerous lump!! Thank God! He even used the word 'tiny.' It's a tiny lump now. Tiny. Tiny! It used to be a 2cm lump but now it is 12mm!! That IS tiny! Now some of you may be thinking - the original lump of 2cm doesn't sound that big either. But it's in relation to me. I'm a petite lady and so therefore my boobs aren't that big either and a 2cm width lump with depth and being in the smack bang middle of my right breast was significant enough for them to speculate that I may have to have a mastectomy. When the doctor first said that word a few months I was horrified. But no need now! No M word for me!!!! Hooray!

I am going for a MRI scan tomorrow for the medics to assess more deeply the effect of the chemo. I am scheduled for surgery on 25 July and then I will also have radiotherapy 4 - 6 weeks every day for 5 weeks.

This is a very good result and I am over the moon. Thank you God for you are good!

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