Monday, February 24, 2014

Many appointments

I have 3 hospital appointments today. The first one is the pre checking for my biopsy surgery on Friday, the second one is a fertility scan and the last one is the biggie. My MRI results. The oncologist gave me an initial assessment that the lump is large but let's pray/hope against this. 

Pray for strength and clarity for me today. I find these appointments overwhelming as it is information overload. My brother Kalun is coming with me to the last one so that is good. The other two my friend, Chris is accompanying me which is also good. 


  1. I'm glad people are going with you. The information can be overwhelming! When I went with my Mom she and I always picked up on different things, so be sure to compare notes. I'm going to continue with some information overload and give you some blog suggestions. You might not be ready for these yet, but bookmark them and come back to them when you are. I'll continue to send you stuff along the way... and imagine my hand holding yours as your appointments continue!

    Here’s a website for a local nonprofit here in Chicago that helps young women with cancer. I realize that you aren’t here or in the US : ) but, there is some useful information on there and I’ve always like that it is geared towards a specific age group…

    Here’s a website with information that my Mom really liked… it has articles and links to other resources… etc.

    Here’s a website that a woman I know (well, actually I know and work with her husband) writes about her life with cancer. It’s funny and unwaveringly honest…

    Here’s a blog entry about how to be a friend to someone with an illness… it could help you articulate what you do and do not want from people a little more specifically

    More soon!

  2. Thanks Kel! These are very useful.
