Friday, February 28, 2014

Home again

I am home after a successful operation. I had to wait 4 hours to be taken into theatre as I was the young one and it was thought I would recover quicker. This turned out to be true as I left before the lady who went in before me.

Good news, the node turned out to be negative! Praise God the cancer hasn't spread! Big hooray!

I feel more alert after the operation than yesterday even though they gave me a stronger anaesthetic. Not sure why. Maybe it was the type. I haven't needed a nap today. There is pain in my right armpit (where they took the node) and for the time being I am not allowed to lift things with my right arm. Mum will stay with me till I feel better. 


  1. Brilliant news, Yan. You are being so brave.

  2. This is good news indeed! So glad and thank God. Add oil Yan! We will continue to support you in prayer. May His peace that transcends understanding, keep your heart and mind in Christ always.

  3. I don't think of myself as being brave because I see it as things I have to go through to being well again. I was a little scared in the second operation when I was in the theatre and I was breathing in the gas and I choked slightly, and I was just looking at all the instruments around me and the realisation that they were all for me and how it was a big thing. But generally I'm taking it in my stride because I see it as what I have to do to beat the cancer and for my life to be normal again.

  4. Awesome news Yan! High 5... wait use your other arm, the left one. x
