Monday, September 15, 2014

Radiotherapy Doctor appointment

Went to see the radiotherapy doctor today and I think she was just making sure that I knew what was coming up. She didn't give me anymore information than I already knew so now it's another wait of two or three weeks to actually meet with the radiotherapy team to prepare me for the treatment. And then the actual treatment is two or three weeks after that!

I've been cycling three times a week these past few weeks to strengthen my body. I think I may have to make it less frequent as I was quite tired this morning and I don't really know why. I think I need to slowly build up. And I have started a church course on Weds evenings and a creative writing course on Monday evenings. It's all very fun and gives me the opportunity to develop myself and try new things. These new interests also gives me a focus in my very free time, otherwise I am very susceptible to doing activities that require spending money! Only the creative course costs me ££.


  1. Hi Yan. I'm interested in your creative writing course. What kind of things are you going to be writing? Stories, poems? I think it's great that you are using this time to develop yourself further. How many radiotherapy sessions are you going to be having? Love Tish x

    1. I think it is stories and poems. It is an intro to creative writing course so I think the bulk of it will be about techniques and how to get the creative process going! I don't have any ambitions at all in fact to produce a novel or any kind of published works, but as an avid reader the written word has always fascinated me and I want to learn more about the writing process. I'm also hoping that it will be a therapeutic thing for me to do. I am trying to use this time well as this is a rare opportunity to have time out from work. I don't know how many radiotherapy sessions I will have yet. It'll be in the range of 3-4 weeks every day. Love to you and the family Tish!
