Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Little Robocop

So I now have a very thin tube line inserted into my left upper arm in a vein to just above my heart. A little tube sticks out from my upper arm ready for doctors/nurses to feed drugs into me or take blood. So amazing! I am a little way to being Robocop! How strange to have something in me that can be hooked up to something else! I also didn't realise that it was a proper medical procedure to insert it. Why I didn't know is now beyond me, because I read the leaflet and everything, and I knew where the line would be going and thinking back on it, it seems obvious now. But it was a proper lie down in an operating chair and they apply local anaesthetic to your arm to put something in you type thing. Thank God my friend Esther offered to come with me. It went smoothly and didn't hurt.

I also saw my chemo doctor in the afternoon. I fell asleep in the waiting room because I had to wait for two hours to see him. He was pleased to hear that I had had little side effects from the first cycle, and he said that it is an indication of what my next two will be like. The drugs change in two cycles' time. But that is good, at least I can expect hopefully to just be a bit tired in the next two cycles.

It is very interesting to see the other patients in the waiting room as many of the women have also shaved their heads or lost all of their hair. Two women were obviously wearing wigs as they hadn't put them on properly as they were kind of wonky. That's the other problem with wigs. You could look like you are wearing a wig because you haven't put it on right. I've been experimenting with head scarves at the moment and alternating between those and hats. I'm still not very used to just going bald as it still feels too cold.

Chemo and physio tomorrow.


  1. Yan, you are so brave. I feel squeamish reading about the things you are going through and I'm sure I would be fainting all over the place. I hope that it will be more comfortable having the chemo now that you have the line in. Lots of love xxxx

    1. Thanks Tish! I don't think about myself being brave. I think I take them as things that I have to get on with. I am actually squeamish too, so I don't watch when the doctors/ nurses are doing things to me. It helps. The line makes procedures quicker as they no longer have to find a vein, which in itself was slightly painful. But I feel brave now because you have told me I am. Xx
